Writing very small executable

Many years ago I took part in a contest to create a small linux binary that output a specific string

Unfortunately the original contest page no longer exists but the Intenet Archive still holds a copy.

The original rules were quite simple:

  1. Is a valid ELF image.
  2. Runs successfully.
  3. Uses a stack-based approach (Preferably no fastcall binaries).
  4. Successfully outputs the string: “The deep gray mouse runs after the holy yellow cheese.” with a carriage return after it.
  5. Returns control to the operating system without causing any segmentation violations.
  6. The outputted binary does not exceed 2500 bytes.

This was my entry which compiled down to 155 bytes.

; Created by Michael MacDonald
; Thanks to: http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/tiny/teensy.html
for tips on shrinking the code.

org 0x00001000
ehdr:                                   ; Elf32_Ehdr
        db 0x7F, "ELF", 1, 1, 1         ; e_ident
        times 9 db 0
        dw 2                            ; e_type
        dw 3                            ; e_machine
        dd 1                            ; e_version
        dd _start                       ; e_entry
        dd phdr - $$                    ; e_phoff
        dd 0                            ; e_shoff
        dd 0                            ; e_flags
        dw ehdrsize                     ; e_ehsize
        dw phdrsize                     ; e_phentsize
        dw 1                            ; e_phnum
        dw 0                            ; e_shentsize
        dw 0                            ; e_shnum
        dw 0                            ; e_shstrndx
ehdrsize equ $ - ehdr
phdr:                                   ; Elf32_Phdr
        dd 1                            ; p_type
        dd 0                            ; p_offset
        dd $$                           ; p_vaddr
        dd $$                           ; p_paddr
        dd filesize                     ; p_filesz
        dd filesize                     ; p_memsz
        dd 5                            ; p_flags
        dd 0x1000                       ; p_align
        phdrsize equ $ - phdr
        section data
        msg db "The deep gray mouse runs after the holy yellow cheese.", 0x0A
        len equ $-msg
        mov dl, len                     ;message length
        mov cx, msg                     ;message to write
        mov bl, 1                       ;file descriptor (stdout)
        mov al, 0x4                     ;system call number (sys_write)
        int 0x80                        ;system call
        mov al,1                        ;system call number (sys_exit)
        int 0x80                        ;system call
        filesize equ $ - $$

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